Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Assassination Update - And Then There Was One

Well, it had to happen sooner or later. When two top assassins meet, there really can only be one winner. Thus was the case when Agent 008 and Agent 003 finally met. Both assassins had previously racked up two kills. Agent 008 had proven himself to be a dangerous hunter as he had successfully eliminated both of the targets he had been assigned. Agent 003 had proven to be a skilled defender, successfully eliminating two other Agents who had attempted to kill her.

So the stage was set. The hunter vs. the defender. Who would win? Here's what went down, according to Agent 008.

Around noon time yesterday, I successfully assassinated Agent 003. Once again, my assistant Festive A and I burst into the Magness household. Despite her husband'sattempt to deflect my shots, one slipped by and hit her in the head.

Congratulations to Agent 008 on his third successful kill. Agent 003 (aka Mary Magness) was a most difficult target to eliminate, but now Agent 008 stands alone as the Victor of Nerf Assassin!
Congratulations Agent 008! Your prize will be sent to you soon.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Assassination Update - Agent 012 Has Been Eliminated

Proving that there is no mercy shown in Nerf Assassin, Agent 012 (aka Nerissa Black) has been eliminated . . . . . and she was pregnant. Here is a recounting of the event from her killer, Agent 008:

Around seven thirty at night, on May 26th, my target, Mrs. Nerissa Black was eliminated. Myself and my assistant who we will call Festive A went ahead with the kill. Using Festive A as a human shield, we strategically forced our way into Mrs. Black's cozy residence. Our blood was as cold as ice. When she saw us coming towards her, guns drawn, she honorably waddled (seeing as she is pregnant) into the kitchen, most likely to retrieve some sort of weapon to counter our attack. But luckily for me I delivered a killing blow to the targets back before she could retaliate.

Well done Agent 008. That brings your kill count to two, which places you in a tie for the lead with Agent 003. May the best assassin win.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Assassination Update - Agent 002 Has Been Eliminated

Proving just how deadly she can be, Agent 003 has done it again. She has successfully eliminated the second assassin in a row who has attempted to kill her. This time it was Agent 002 (aka Wesley Strawther).

This kill happened in broad daylight and in a public place. A Hooters restaurant to be exact. Agent 002 was taken out after a brief firefight near the front of the restaurant.

Let all Agents be warned, Agent 003 is quickly establishing herself as the hardest Agent to kill in this game. Be careful if you are assigned her in the future . . . she's deadly.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Assassination Update - Agent 006 Has Been Eliminated

In yet another example of why it is important to be on your guard, even while you are the one doing the hunting, Agent 006 (aka Leah Turner) has been eliminated while attempting to kill her target Agent 002.

Unfortunately, details of the gunfight are sketchy. Agent 002 did send in this lovely photo though as proof of his kill. Let this be a warning to any Agents who may be assigned Agent 002 as a target. He is armed and on the defensive. He may prove to be a wily target indeed.

Congratulations to Agent 002 on a good defensive kill.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Assassination Update - Agent 001 Has Been Eliminated

While on assignment attempting to kill Agent 003, the hunter suddenly became the huntee and before he knew it, agent 001 (aka Boba Patt) had been shot and eliminated.
Congratulations to Agent 003 on a successful turning of the tables. Take note people, this agent may be a difficult competitor to eliminate . . . even while wearing daisy dukes.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Assassination Update - Agent 004 Has Been Eliminated

Shortly after the successful assassination of Agent 007, it appears that Agent 004's (aka Alex Johnson) luck has run out. He has been killed by Agent 008.

Here is Agent 008's accounting of the event.

Around 8 pm on Thursday the 14th, my good buddy who also happens to be agent 004 and my target came to pick me up for a concert we were to attend together. He showed up strapped and i came out strapped.

After a few minutes of back and forth dialogue persuading each other that our targets were other people, he rolled down the window of his car enough for me to deliver a killing blow to his head. Sorry 004, but the game must go on.

Congratulations to Agent 008 on a great (and wonderfully deceitful) kill.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Assassination Update - Agent 007 Has Been Eliminated

The second assassination has taken place. Agent 007 (aka Robert Magness) has been Eliminated. Here's a report from the killer, Agent 004:

I killed Mr. Robert Magness in cold blood today, and for this I am not sorry. He somehow deflected my first shot from my microgun, and this caused us to get into a brutal shootout. I was worried about the safety of his coworkers, but Robert's gun jammed and I went in for the kill. Two shots to the head, clean and efficient.

Attached is a photograph of Robert's demise, one of his coworkers took it, perhaps out of fear, or maybe in hopes of being able to ID me at a later point. No matter, he's dead now.
Congratulations to Agent 004 on a great kill. He will be reassigned a new target soon and will continue the hunt. He has proven himself a capable killer, so beware, you may be his next target.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Assassination Update - The First Kill Has Been Made

Only 36 hours after the game began, the first official kill has been made.

Time of Death: 6:30pm on 05/03/09

The target was a civilian by the name of Aaron. He was eliminated by Agent oo1 (Boba Patt) as he walked into his apartment after a day of work. Agent 001 has been assigned a new target and has resumed his hunting.

Remember to send in your pics to confirm kills, along with time of death as well as any details of the assassination you wish to share.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Assassin Profile

Agent #: 001

Assassin Name: Boba Patt

Weapon of Choice: Nerf Maverick (semi-automatic pistol that shoots six rounds)

Biggest Assassin Influence: Leon, The Professional

Signature Quote/The Last Words You'll Ever Hear: "Death comes for you, on swift wings."

Let The Games Begin!

As of 6am this morning, Nerf Assassin is officially a go! Initial assignments were sent out to all of the players last night, and the hunting has begun.

Good luck to everyone out there. May the force be with you!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rules Update! Innocent Civilians Are Now Targets Too (Sort Of)

Good News Everyone!

For those of you who were interested in the game, which starts this weekend, but less interested in the prospect of hunting down your foes, we've decided to add a new role to the game that should interest you: civilian target. Real assassins kill regular people too, or so movies tell me, and if you'd like to take part in the game but don't want to drive all over so-cal stalking your targets, this is how you can do it.

Civilian targets follow a couple of special rules. While blood on the hands of an assassin is expected, civilians can't live their lives that way. They can, and should, defend themselves though. If you've been shot at, or see someone pointing a weapon at you, you should try to take them out before they finish you. Civilians don't get to shoot first, even if they have a reasonable suspicion, but if they score a kill shot on their assassin they "win". The assassin will retreat to lick their wounds, and the civilian is safe. For now... there will be other attempts of course, probably by other agents.

If you're interested in signing up to be shot at with Nerf guns, or if you want to sign your friends up for fun, drop us a line. We'd like to get the same addresses and pics and scheduling information for civilian targets as we do for our assassins. We can even add civilian targets to the game after it starts, so if you get this email late there's still a way for you to join us!

Just don't wait too long. We're starting the game this weekend. If you want to play as an assassin we still need your information and picture sent in, but we're extending the deadline out to Friday, May 1. After that you can still join as a target, but if you wanted to take missions you'll be disappointed.

And lastly, let me introduce myself. Our organizer and geek-tastic host Patrick has left the account and missions in my hands, so he can go chasing after people with foam spitting guns. I'll be assigning the missions out so he doesn't know who's going after who. It's going to be a lot of fun, I look forward to working with each of you, whether it's offering missions or sicking the hounds.

- The Geek-Tastic Score Keeper

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The First Ever Geek-tastic.com event: Nerf Assassin

Hello Everyone,

This blog has been created as a sub-blog for the website http://www.geek-tastic.com/. This is an event's page that will serve as the home page for the first ever Geek-tastic.com event.

The name of the game is Nerf Assassin, and here's how it works.

Players will sign up to take part in the game. If you wish to join us, just follow the rules below. Once signed up, you will be contacted by me and given an assassination target. Your job is to eliminate that target by shooting them with a nerf gun of some kind. You can either choose to buy your own gun or ask for a loaner and a gun will be provided for you by Wes (first come first serve until he runs

You will be provided with information on your target, such as their addresss, where theywork, etc. You are free to choose the time and place of their elimination. Once you have eliminated your target, you will be assigned their target as your next target. This will continue until only one person is left standing. That person will be declared the winnerand will receive a award of some kind (to be decided).

That's the basics. Now here's the detailed rules:

As of this moment, players will email me with applications. If you wish to apply, please do so ASAP. All applications must be sent to me at geek.tastic@yahoo.com. The cut off point for applications is Friday, May 1st. You are also encouraged to forward this message to anyone you think may be interested in playing.

The more, the merrier.

All applications must include the following information:

A recent, clear photo of your face
First Name
Last Name
Home Address
Work Address
Work schedule (roughly, what hours you work each day, and when you're home)
Cell Phone #
Schedule and location of any classes or sports or whatever else you participate in (i.e. school, hockey, volunteer hours at a shelter, etc.)
Make, Model and Color of your Car
Any identifying bumper stickers or any other items located on your car.

The game itself will start at 6:00am on Friday, May 2nd. On that day, in the evening, first assignments will go out. From that point on, it's up to you. You can choose to kill your target immediately, or wait it out and make them sweat. Just remember that you are a hunted man as well, so it is best if you don't daddle too long.

A "kill" will be defined as any connecting shot with a nerf weapon to either the torso or head of your target. Arms and legs do not count.

We are working on the honor system here, so if you get hit, be a man and own up to it and admit that you've been eliminated. However, if you choose to videotape your kills, that's fine and I would love to see the tapes once the act is complete. Details of kills will be posted here. Highlights of the game will be posted on Geek-tastic.com.

Upon confirmation of a kill from both the killer and the killee, the killee's assassin target will be assigned to the killer as their next target. They will be given an email with all of the target's information, and the game continues.

Only official Nerf weapons may be used during the game. Any use of non nerf items (such as squirt guns, pellet guns, water balloons, etc.) will result in the immediate disqualification of the offending party and removal from the game.

If your assassination target manages to get the jump on you and shoots you first, you are eliminated from the game. Whoever had been assigned you as their target will then be given your target as their new assignment.

If by random chance, during an assassination, both the killer and the killee manage to shoot each other at the same time, both parties will be eliminated from the game and and new assignments will be given to people as needed.

Taking pictures of your fallen target as proof of your victory is totally allowed and is actively encouraged.

Do not use any repainted nerf guns that may resemble real weaponary. The last thing we want is for someone to get accidentally shot by a policeman for being an idiot and pulling a jet black nerf gun out in public when a bright neon orange and yellow one works just fine. So don't be an idiot, use common sense and pick your execution spots intelligently.

Running away from an assassin is fully allowed. If your target gets away, then your job just got harder. Be a better assassin next time.

Players participating in the game must reside between San Diego and Los Angeles. Be
advised your targets may live a little ways away from you and you may have to drive to get to them.

Initial target assignments will be drawn at random from a hat. Exceptions will be made if someone is assigned someone they live with. However, exceptions will not be made if you are randomly assigned your boyfriend or girlfriend and you do not live with them. In this game you can trust no one. If your roommate or significant other kills someone who has you as their target, you are now their target. Be constantly on the lookout for betrayal.

If you have any questions at all, please email me and I'll gladly answer them for you.More detailed info regarding prizes and a possible after party once a champion is crowned will come in future emails. I hope you can join us as the game could turn out to be a lot of fun.

And if you do join.....good luck!